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Richey May Advisory provides the full spectrum of transformative solutions for your business. From Technology and Risk Management to Specialty Audit Services and more, Richey May Advisory has the solutions you need to find and focus on your competitive advantage.

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Richey May Advisory

Richey May Advisory provides the full spectrum of transformative solutions for your business. From Technology and Risk Management to Specialty Audit Services and more, Richey May Advisory has the solutions you need to find and focus on your competitive advantage.

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Richey May Headquarters
9780 S Meridian Blvd., Suite 500
Englewood, CO 80112

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Richey May Advisory

Richey May Advisory provides the full spectrum of transformative solutions for your business. From Technology and Risk Management to Specialty Audit Services and more, Richey May Advisory has the solutions you need to find and focus on your competitive advantage.

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Richey May Advisory

Richey May Advisory provides the full spectrum of transformative solutions for your business. From Technology and Risk Management to Specialty Audit Services and more, Richey May Advisory has the solutions you need to find and focus on your competitive advantage.

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Richey May Headquarters
9780 S Meridian Blvd., Suite 500
Englewood, CO 80112

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Richey May Headquarters
9780 S Meridian Blvd., Suite 500
Englewood, CO 80112

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Real-Time Revolution: How Allied Mortgage Group Transformed Its Outcomes with RM Analyze’s Advanced Data Solutions

Articles by: Richey May, May 09, 2024

RM Analyze in our opinion was hands down best of breed and it gave us all the power we needed. It is a platform that replaced something I was proud of.  I’m even more proud of this because this is what helps elevate our company.

Kyle Manseau
Chief Operations Officer,
Allied Mortgage Group

Allied Mortgage Group has long recognized the critical importance of data in driving business decisions and maintaining competitiveness in the ever-evolving mortgage industry. However, the company’s existing methods of data analysis fell short in providing timely and actionable insights. In search of a solution, Allied Mortgage Group turned to Richey May’s RM Analyze, a powerful, real-time mortgage analytics platform, to revolutionize its data-driven approach.

The Challenge: Stale Data and Manual Processes

Prior to implementing RM Analyze, Allied Mortgage Group relied on manual reporting methods. Despite building a SQL database connected to its Loan Origination System (LOS) in-house, the data quickly became stale, rendering any analysis ineffective for making real-time decisions. Distributing this information was also challenging; the data was flat five minutes after releasing a PDF reporting package. The team recognized the urgent need for a solution that could provide up-to-date insights and empower users across the organization.

We had what we believed was good data, but it just expired so fast.

– Kyle Manseau

Trying to distribute it digitally also proved difficult. Giving all employees an Excel spreadsheet report was awkward; they had to VPN in to use it and connect to the database. The team also looked at other solutions but still didn’t solve the distribution issue. What looks good on a laptop in the office isn’t going to help the sales organization that is on the road all day and needs this information on a mobile device.

After exploring various options, Allied Mortgage Group management chose the RM Analyze platform to address the company’s data challenges. RM Analyze offered a comprehensive solution with real-time data and mobile-enabled features, allowing users to access data anytime, anywhere. The platform’s user-friendly interface and robust capabilities aligned with Allied Mortgage Group’s goal of empowering employees with actionable insights.

There’s very little maintenance that I have to do on this. I feed it data. We create cards. I don’t have to back it up. I don’t have to worry about it going down. I don’t have to worry about it being in my data center.

Bill Matthews, Vice President IT/CISO, Allied Mortgage Group

The Team Behind RM Analyze: Richey May’s Mortgage Data Analytics Experts

The team from Richey May really made it for us. They’re still there for us. They’re really responsive when I reach out and I’ll ask a detailed question and they come right back and point me in the right direction.

Bill Matthews

Allied Mortgage Group relied heavily on the mortgage data analytics team at Richey May for a seamless implementation and still enjoys continued support and training.

The Richey May Data Analytics team was able to replicate everything that Allied Mortgage Group had previously built and more.

I literally gave this 24-page reporting package to Richey May and they were able to replicate everything. From the time we signed to the time the promise was made that we could go to production, those timelines were all hit. There’s a lot of over promise and under deliver because everybody wants to get the deal done. This was one of the few transactions that it was promised and it was delivered, and it was everything that we thought it would be and everything that was presented to us during our early conversations.

– Kyle Manseau

The Impact:  Allied Mortgage Group’s Improved Outcomes

Enhanced Decision-Making: Allied Mortgage Group has now elevated its vision to take visibility to the next level with RM Analyze. Employees can dynamically drill down into the data to have real-time information. Prior to RM Analyze, the company’s old reports may have shown aggregate data for a branch or a team. Now, they can explore the data and have the power to make informed decisions quickly, even in the face of industry fluctuations.

Seamless Integration: With RM Analyze, Allied Mortgage Group seamlessly integrated its data sources, eliminating the need for manual processes and outdated reporting methods. The platform’s ability to connect to various data sources, including Encompass and Google Analytics, expanded Allied Mortgage Group’s analytical capabilities.

Improved Collaboration: RM Analyze facilitated collaboration across departments, fostering a culture of transparency and data-driven decision-making. Branch managers, sales teams, and operations staff can access real-time information and collaborate on strategies to drive business growth. Teams are able to spark new ideas by uncovering granularity in the data and discovering overall trends. Broadcasting on screens throughout the company’s offices, Allied Mortgage Group employees can see key, live statistics throughout the day as well.

Our CEO is in [RM Analyze} all the time on his phone, and he travels a lot, so he’s on his phone non-stop.

– Kyle Manseau

Mobile, Real-Time Data: Allied Mortgage Group depends on RM Analyze for its ease of use and mobile accessibility with data in real-time. Employees embraced the platform, with even technologically hesitant individuals quickly adapting to its intuitive interface.

When we demo this to folks coming in to join our company, they open their eyes almost in disbelief.

– Kyle Manseau

Powerful Recruiting Tool: A strong commitment to data visibility means that employees are empowered to make decisions in new ways.  Allied Mortgage Group previews the power of real-time data in the recruiting process.

Scalability and Reliability: RM Analyze provides Allied Mortgage Group with a scalable and reliable solution. Once data is fed into the platform, it requires minimal maintenance, allowing the team to focus on leveraging insights rather than managing infrastructure.

Conclusion: Empowering Growth with RM Analyze

For us, there is no turning back.

– Kyle Manseau

In conclusion, the adoption of the RM Analyze platform revolutionized operations at Allied Mortgage Group. By leveraging RM Analyze’s powerful analytics capabilities, Allied Mortgage Group transformed its approach to data analysis, driving informed decision-making, fostering collaboration, and empowering employees across the organization. With RM Analyze, Allied Mortgage Group continues to stay ahead in a competitive industry, poised for future growth and success.